This is my first post, and I am happy to start my blogging journey from here.

During my bachelor’s study in Statistics, I begin to analyze data with renowned Iris dataset, which has plenty of features to be classified, summarized and visualized. As a polysemy, “iris” represents both iris flowers(“鸢尾”) and the colored part of the eye(“虹膜”): Van Gogh gazed at the flowers.

I think life is just like the end of April: Although one missed the peach blooms, it is still beautiful now. The roses, poppies, and azaleas are all in bloom. So I want to seize the present day and say to all the people who passed by my life: Welcome to my garden.

In my childhood, blogging was a popular method for recording life. Bulaoge(不老歌), whose Chinese pronunciation resembles “blog” in English, was an outstanding blogging platform in China at that time. However, as time passed, traditional blogging was gradually replaced by shorter forms of expression such as microblogs (like Weibo and Twitter) and vlogs. With no surprise, Bulaoge disappeared along with the shift in trends.

Now, I wish to adopt the Chinese meaning “timeless song” from Bulaoge to name my blog. This not only serves as a tribute to the golden years of the past but also serves as a reminder to cherish each moment and document my life’s journey.